Friday 18 November 2011

Sock Bunny

The week really has been all about stockings, so I thought it only right to try and make one more day of it.  Last night, I researched as much as I could and then ended up making my own pattern anyway - for a sock bunny!

Earlier this year, I bought a 'mystery pack' of kids socks, and got 10 pairs of girls socks... which was lovely, except that I have boys.  It seems I continually need to learn the lesson that mystery packs will never be what I want them to be!  But, it means that I have resources at the ready for some sock bunnies, which make great baby toys, because there are no little pieces that could come off, and ears make great things to suck on!

I'm interested in your thoughts before I go ahead and make more... it's a big deal to me to cut up a perfectly good sock! :)

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