Thursday 3 November 2011

You learn something new...

I broke my sewing machine last night.  I was trying out a type of embroidery that I'd never done before, and fiddled with my machine.  When my experiment failed miserably, I tried to 'unfiddle' the machine and the threads kept getting caught.  I pulled it apart as much as I dared, cleaned it, tweaked it, tried this and that.  I went to bed cranky with myself and upset that I'd wasted a whole evening on something that didn't work.

Today, I dropped the boys off at a friend's house (I couldn't imagine trying to get a baby, toddler and sewing machine all out of the car and into a shop), and took my machine to the repair lady.  After looking at it for three seconds, she said "it isn't threaded properly".  Ahh, that would do it!

Instead of feeling silly in front of a whole shop of ladies doing their sewing classes, I walked out feeling thankful that it was such a simple solution.  And I decided not to drink any wine before using my sewing machine tonight.

So, a few lessons learned:
  1. When it doesn't work, go back to basics.  Is that computer mouse plugged in when it doesn't work?  Is the car in 'park' when it doesn't start?  Is the sewing machine threaded correctly when it gets threads caught around the bobbin?
  2. KISS - Keep it Simple, Stupid.  Great rule for someone like me who is lying in bed at night thinking of more and more things I can make!  Stick to what I know, what is simple and easy, and things I can do well.  There's time for learning and experimenting, but is that time now? (When I have three hundred more decorations to make before December 4th?!)
I feel lucky - I learned two new things today!

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